What is package-lock.json file in Node NPM?

When you are doing development in Angular, Node NPM is your tool for package management. In simple words we have a “package.json” file and all dependencies are listed inside it. When you are doing NPM you will always find “package-lock.json” file. So in this tutorial we will unleash the importance of this lock file.To understand the importance of lock lets understand how software versioning works.Most software versions follow semantic versioning. In semantic versioning, versions are divided in to three distinct numbers as shown in the image below.The first number is termed as “major version” , second “minor version” and third “revision”.Major version: - Any increment in major version is an indication that there are breaking changes in the software functionality. It’s very much possible that the old code will not work with these changes and have to be tested properly.Minor version: - This version is incremented when we add new features but the old code still works.Revision:-…

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