Dynamic Menu and Content Loader Utility with Knockout

Dynamic Menu and Content Loader Utility with KnockoutThis article describes a utility library that builds a menu from an XML data source with Knockout JS.Additionally, the library also loads content based on the URL # tags. This was originally built to support semi-static content for various projects. The simplest way to see this is action is to take a clone of the library and its demo from Git Hub have also uploaded the code hereDownload demoIf I make any changes or improvements to the library I will do so in the GitHub repository, so the download above may become stale over time!The menu itself is simply styled <a> tags and buttons, the styling is from the W3 Schools w3.css library. I won’t delve too deeply into the stylistic elements used because the W3 Schools web site already does a fine job of that!The menu itself is displayed using KnockoutJS, with the structure loaded dynamically by jQueryThe code from the demonstrator project has a single entry point, index.htmlIt looks like…

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