Master Detail Grid in Mvc5

IntroductionThis example let us explore the power of jQueryto retrieve data from Server Side to Client Side, additional we are going to study the JsonResultclass that let us serialize an object into a Json Response.BackgroundIt´s important that before to go throught this topic, review this previous topics:JsonResult: Serializes the objects it is given into JSON and writes the JSON to the response, typically in response to an Ajax request.The JsonResultuses the JavaScriptSerializer class to serialize its contents (specified via the Data property) to the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format. This is useful for Ajax scenarios that have a need for an action method to return data in a format easily consumable by JavaScript.As for ContentResult, the content encoding and content type for the JsonResult can both be set via properties. The only difference is that the default ContentType is application/json and not text/html for this result.jQueryhas become essential in the world of web dev…
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