Just Enough Set Theory – When Sets Collide (Part 3 of 3)

Welcome to the final installment of this three-part series on set theory. The first piece, Set Theory Defined, detailed requisite foundational knowledge. The second article, Set Operations, outlined some beneficial set algorithms. This post develops the concepts laid out in the first two; therefore, it is highly recommended that readers begin there.Individual sets have many useful properties; however, preforming operations on multiple sets provides even greater utility. This piece outlines four such operations. Each operation provides a concise means for addressing common programming problems that virtually all software professionals encounter. There is a brief description of each from a mathematical perspective followed by JavaScript (ES6) code excerpts demonstrating how to apply theory to real world scenarios.NOTE: All code samples are written in ES6 and are therefore not likely to execute directly in a browser. The best option is to use Node or transpile the excerpts using either B…

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