Toggle Wi-Fi Light when using Zoom with JavaScript · Elijah Manor

22 Feb 2017As a remote employee I am often sharing my video on Zoom while working. I may be pair programming, in a meeting, or just checking in with a co-worker. This happens numerous times throughout the day, but it’s hard to predict when I’m on.ProblemBeing on Zoom with a family at home can be interesting, especially when you work in your bedroom closet like I do. I usually don’t mind if my wife or kids come into my office when I’m on a Zoom call unless I’m on with a client or during an important meeting. So, how is my family supposed to know when I’m on a conference call? Even if they were to come into my office, its not always obvious that I’m sharing my video.SolutionSo, I ended up writing a program that uses the Wemo Insight Wi-Fi Switch to toggle a Night Light outside my office when I launch or exit Zoom! In addition, I bought some red light bulbs to make the light easier to see.Interfacing with WemoI used the node package wemo-client (by @timonreinhard) to interface wit…
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