SAFE Adventures in F#

If you're looking for help with C#, .NET, Azure, Architecture, or would simply value an independent opinion then please get in touch here or over on Twitter.

With my recent role change I’m getting most of my coding kicks for fun these days – which means I’m working almost entirely on OSS and get to play around with whatever takes my fancy! Exploring Fable and the broader SAFE stack has been on my list of things to do for some time and so this last weekend I dove in and got started building something simple.

If you’ve not come across the SAFE stack before its an entirely open source community driven end to end web development framework for F# that takes a functional first approach that brings together a number of projects:

  • Saturn – a web development framework that is ultimately running on top of ASP .Net Core
  • Azure – Microsoft’s cloud hosting platform. Doesn’t really “come” with SAFE (I think someone was reaching to make a cool name!) but it is a natural companion.
  • Fable – A F# to JavaScript transpiler.
  • Elmish – a set of abstractions for writing user interfaces in F#. Fable and Elmish come pre-configured with React bindings. Yes – you can write React apps in F# and using very familiar patterns.

Its worth noting that the excellent Fabulous framework, for mobile apps based on Xamarin Forms, also makes use of Elmish and I think makes a natural companion to the SAFE stack.

While I don’t intend to write an end to end tutorial I thought it would be useful to highlight some of the challenges I faced getting started and solutions I found. This will be a bit of a grab bag but lets dive into it…

Getting Started

Before you begin there are a few tools its useful to have ready. Firstly Visual Studio Code and Ionide are very useful for working on F#. Ionide is an open source community extension for VS Code and while I prefer to work on server side / backend code in Rider it contains some useful tools for working with Fable. We’ll come to my embryonic workflow later!

For now – ensure you’ve got Visual Studio Code and the Ionide extension for it. You’ll also want to have .NET Core 3 installed.

With all that done you can get started with your first SAFE project. There’s little point me repeating the documentation – to get started with a new project just follow the simple instructions on the SAFE website.

Working With The Solution

My first stab at working with the solution was to open it in Rider – my preferred IDE for all things .NET. It does all open but you need to do some work to get it to compile and run the client and I haven’t yet managed to get it debugging the client.

Next stop was VS Code which does work quite nicely – the out the box project includes all the configuration for VS Code to compile and run both server and client with an end to end debugging experience. Great! Except….

I found it a bit confusing and noisy having everything in one project. The console output is excessive and not well delineated and generally its just too much for my brain to deal with. It could be something I get used to in time but I’m fairly used to having my client code in VS Code and my backend code in Rider.

It was super simple to create two new solutions from the shipped sln file – one for client and one for server – and then I could work in a pattern I found more comfortable.

Custom HTML Attributes

Sooner or later you’ll come across a piece of HTML / JavaScript that makes use of custom attributes on HTML tags, for example “x-data”. Given that Fable-React makes use of a type safe discriminated union for HTML attributes how do we do this? Handily their is a member of the union called Custom so you can write something like:

div [Custom("x-data", "somevalue") ; ClassName="my-class"] []

Converting HTML To Fable Elmish

Fable uses functions to represent HTML elements and while this closely resembles HTML itself it does take a different form and at some point you’re going to want to convert a large piece of HTML to Fable.

That wouldn’t be fun, but fortunately you don’t need to do this by hand! There is an online tool available that you can post HTML into and out will pop the Elmish verison.

Alternatively this is also built into Ionide and you can do the conversion right their in Code:

Introducing Tailwind CSS

The SAFE template ships with Fulma for CSS – a F# wrapper for the Bulma CSS framework. However I’m already used to working with Tailwind (having moved away from Bootstrap) and I didn’t really want to learn / adopt another CSS toolkit so wanted to introduce this. Reasons why I like Tailwind are well articulated, not by me, here.

I confess I’ve not had any luck introducing it into the FAKE and webpack build chain for Fable. I’m certainly not an expert on either of those tools and so am likely hitting the limits of my knowledge rather than a fundamental issue (and were I not doing this project for fun I’d keep banging away until I’d solved it – but frankly other things to be doing!).

In the end I had to settle for a simple npx based approach that pre-generates the CSS. Not ideal but it works.

Routing / Endpoints

Creating endpoints is ridiculously simple in Saturn as you can see from this code:

let webApp = router {
    get "/api/init" (fun next ctx ->
        task {
            let counter = {Value = 42}
            return! json counter next ctx

There’s no reason C# ASP .NET Core can’t be this simple (and in fact David Fowler recently posted an example of how it can be) but Microsoft have chosen the “way of pain” in most of their example code and templates and so ASP .NET Core code tends to, well, not be simple even for simple scenarios. In any case I appreciate the simple approach in the SAFE stack.

If you’ve made the journey from C# to F# you’ve probably gone through the same “wait… what… how…” in terms of the async changes. And there’s a fair chance that like me once you’ve figured the differences and what’s going on you’ve come to rather like the F# approach with its async { } computation expressions.

To ease interop with the rest of the .NET world Saturn uses a task { } block rather than F# async blocks. Practically speaking it doesn’t change much, for me at least, I prefer my domain code to be protocol agnostic and somewhat agnostic and so my Saturn endpoints are simple wrappers around functions which I continue to use async with.

Just caught me by surprise.

Serialization with Thoth

Under the covers SAFE is using Thoth to handle serialization. I’ve only just started to explore this. Mostly it seems to work as you’d expect just be aware that you need to return concrete collection types from routes. If you return a seq you’ll get an error like this at runtime:

Cannot generate auto encoder for Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.IEnumerator+mkSeq@132[[Shared.Api+Lift, Server, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]. Please pass an extra encoder.

SQL Access

I’ve not done much SQL work from F# to date but I needed to in the context of the small project I’m building. I went scouting around for different ways of doing this and Twitter came to my rescue with a lot of suggestions.

In general I like to keep this simple and I don’t like DSLs in this space. I always find them a poor abstraction over SQL itself and one that simulatenously offers little value but a fair amount of risk: you have to second guess the SQL that is being generated. If I had a pound for every time I’ve been asked to fix performance issues that turned out to be due to this… well I’d have made enough to offset my stock market losses this week!

As a result with C# I generally use Dapper. There is a project that purports to wrap this in a F# friendly way in FSharp.Data.Dapper but it seems to have some pretty basic bugs (I couldn’t get it to run at all against SQL Server – open a connection first and it complains about that, don’t open a connection and it complains the connection is closed – I gave up). I was just about to write my own wrapper based on some work I did with Cosmos when I came across a handy gist:

I extended this with some async methods and that was me done.

In Summary

The F# community have created, and made very accessible, a fantastic set of tools that allow you to write F# end to end on the web and in a way that embraces the existing world and ecosystems rather than by trying to create its own new world (I’m looking at you Blazor). I’ve been able to take my F# knowledge and React knowledge and quite easily combine the two to be productive fast.

I’m looking forward to exploring this further over the next few weeks and will certainly write a new post as I learn more and as I find solutions for the things I currently have unresolved here.


  • If you're looking for help with C#, .NET, Azure, Architecture, or would simply value an independent opinion then please get in touch here or over on Twitter.

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